freestanding space division products create an impromtu team meeting space

How Space Division Can Help Ensure a Safer Workplace

Plexiglass screens and other dividers can help define space and encourage social distancing The pandemic has brought to light the need for the workplace to play a role in mitigating the risk of COVID-19. Leading organizations are eager to welcome employees back to the workplace, but must take steps to ensure a safe return. The…

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three Gesture task chairs upholstered in green at a height adjustable benching application

The Importance of Ergonomics in the Hybrid Workplace

Now, more than ever, ergonomic solutions are required to meet diverse employee needs. Most everyone agrees the future of the workplace is Hybrid. But not everyone agrees on what that will mean. There is no one-size-fits-all hybrid approach. Leading organizations are trying to define the right hybrid model in order to return employees to the…

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tents that serve as focus spaces in the hybrid workplace

Top 5 Innovative Products for The Hybrid Workplace

The hybrid workplace is here to stay. How can organizations create the best possible hybrid work environment? According to research from Steelcase, sixty-eight per cent of global organizations are planning to experiment with hybrid work, allowing employees to work partly in the office and partly at home. Even companies who will primarily be in the…

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an open office design with a work pod in the middle

How to Improve Your Open Office Design

Did you know that over 70 per cent of people work in some form of open office? The open office is reality for the majority of workers, and there’s no shortage of complaints about it. Research shows we need a healthy balance between quiet focus and face-to-face time. In fact, 38% of employees wish they had more access to…

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Start Up space wirh Bivi desking, Gesture Stools, people gathered around an interactive tv display

Using Technology to Make The Office More Effective

How do you know you are getting the most out of your office space? Do you notice the same spaces tend to sit empty or are underused, while others are always overcrowded? The average size of office space per employee is shrinking, so it is more important than ever that business leaders make the most…

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